Tag After School Gallery Mode


So you want to see the Tag After School Gallery Mode, and relish all ghost encounters huh? We have got you covered.

In this blog post, we will show you how to view the Tag After School Gallery Mode if you already have the game.

Tag After School Gallery Mode


We will also provide you with a link to see the Tag After School Gallery and view all the ghost encounters.

If you have not downloaded the Tag After School game, you can get it for PC or Android from the link here.

What is Tag After School Gallery Mode All About?

Tag After School Gallery is an option in the game where players can see all the ghosts encountered in the Tag After School game.

ALSO READ:  How To Download And Install Tag After School On Android

The game can be challenging, and you can get killed early while playing as Shota Kun.

This means you may not get to experience all the fun ghost encounters in Tag After School.


That’s where Tag After School Gallery Mode comes in handy.

With the gallery mode, you can enjoy all the ghost encounter scenes with Shota Kun without having to play through the entire game.

How To View Tag After School Gallery Mode

Viewing Tag After School Gallery Mode is super easy. Once you have downloaded the Tag After School game from the direct download link provided on this page, launch the game.

ALSO READ:  Download Tag After School For PC Latest Version

Once you launch the game, scroll down and hit enter when you reach the gallery option in the game menu. Check image below.

Tag After School Gallery Mode


Voila! You can now see all the ghost encounters in the game, one after the other. Have fun with it, mate!

Also, if you want to view Tag After School Gallery Mode without downloading the game, use the link provided here to check out the video. Enjoy!


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